Florida has such a sneaky Theocratic government. You will notice that the judge came up with the term viability. Well viability can mean different things to different people. Liability to St Augustine and esteemed father of the Catholic Church meant when the baby started kicking in a woman's stomach. To some insane Theocratic officials that are government officials viability means at conception. That's a lie of course just like the big lie ,"pro life" the term pro-life sounds good of course but it does not mean pro-life. It means forced birth for women. Well they also support killing people in prisons. Nowadays even shooting immigrants. It means getting out the guns and starting the Civil War. I mean it sounds good,but one should be careful when they say viability because it can and, knowing the Theocratic fascist in the government in Florida it will come back to bite Floridians. Just saying. We are fighting total evil here. Many of them even call themselves Christians confusing everybody. These vangelicals are as unchristian as they come. Hey they even lie about that don't they. For all saying US citizens just remember you are dealing with crazy people religiously insane people and crazy criminal Cults of all kinds. Vote blue up and down the ticket. If you don't know the judge is a fascist look him upwho appointed him was it a fascist were pre- fascist Republicon? If so if you get the opportunity to vote that judge right out of our hair.

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Daniel, I just got this response to a post I made on Quora; Quora

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Matthew Bobowski replied to your comment in Done with the Bullshit? on: "Why do people move back to California after moving to Texas?":

The Biden administration colluded with Amazon to ban books. No books have been banned in Florida or Texas. You have no facts.

My reply was he should stop watching Conspiracy Central. OANN

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